Friday 29 April 2011


Carbohydrate Foods List with Good Carbs Grams

Black beans1/4 cup dry23
Black beans 1/2 cup cooked18
Garbanzo beans1/4 cup dry28
Garbanzo (Chickpeas)1/2 cup cooked18
Kidney beans1/4 cup dry29
Kidney beans 1/2 cup cooked20
Lentils 1/4 cup dry28
Lentils1/2 cup cooked20
Lima Beans1/4 cup dry22
Lima Beans1/2 cup cooked20
Navy Beans1/4 cup dry32
Navy Beans1/2 cup cooked29
Pinto Beans1/4 cup dry29
Pinto Beans1/2 cup cooked22
Soybeans1/4 cup dry13
Soybeans1/2 cup cooked9
Split Peas1/4 cup dry26
Split Peas1/2 cup cooked21

Blue cheese1 oz0.7
Cheddar cheese1 oz0.4
Cottage cheese, 2% fat1/2 cup4
Egg1 extra large1
Feta cheese1 oz1
Milk, 1% fat1 cup8
Milk, fat-free1 cup13
Mozzarella cheese1 oz0.8
Parmesan cheese1 Tbsp.0.2
Provolone cheese1 oz0.6
Ricotta cheese1/2 cup6
Swiss cheese1 oz1
Yogurt, low-fat1 cup17
Yogurt, fat-free1 cup18

Apple5 oz21
Apricot3 (4 oz ea.)12
Avocado1/2 (3 oz)7
Blackberries1 cup18
Blueberries1 cup21
Cantaloupe1 cup13
Cranberries1/2 cup6
Grapefruit1/2 (4 oz)10
Grapes1 cup16
Guava1 (3 oz)11
Kiwi1 (2-1/2 oz)11
Mango1/2 (3-1/2 oz)18
Nectarine1 (5 oz)16
Orange1 (4-1/2 oz)15
Papaya1/2 (5-1/2 oz)15
Peach1 (3-1/2 oz)10
Pear1 (6 oz)25
Pineapple1 cup19
Raspberries1 cup14
Strawberries1 cup11
Tangerine1 (3 oz)9
Watermelon1 cup12

Almonds1 oz6
Brazil nuts1 oz4
Cashews1 oz9
Coconut, raw1 oz4
Macadamia nuts1 oz4
Peanuts1 oz6
Pecans1 oz5
Pistachios1 oz7
Pumpkin seeds1 oz5
Sesame seeds1 Tbsp.1
Sunflower1 oz5
Walnuts1 oz3

Alfalfa sprouts, raw1/2 cup1
Asparagus1/2 cup cooked4
Butterhead lettuce1 cup raw2
Broccoli1/2 cup cooked4
Brussels Sprouts1/2 cup cooked7
Cabbage1/2 cup cooked4
Carrot1 (2-1/2 oz)7
Cauliflower3 florets3
Celery1/2 cup diced2
Chinese Cabbage1/2 cup cooked2
Chili Peppers1 Tbsp.1
Corn (sweet)1 ear19
Cucumber5 oz raw4
Edamame, fresh soybeans1/2 cup raw14
Edamame1/4 cup cooked10
Eggplant1/2 cup cooked3
Garlic1 clove1
Ginger Root1 Tbsp. raw1
Green Bell Peppers1/2 cup raw3
Iceberg Lettuce1-1/2 cups raw3
Mushrooms1/2 cup cooked4
Okra1/2 cup cooked6
Onions1/2 cup cooked7
Radishes1/2 cup raw2
Red Bell Peppers1/2 cup raw3
Red Cabbage1/2 cup cooked4
Romaine lettuce1-1/2 cups raw2
Scallions1/2 cup raw4
Spinach1/2 cup cooked3
Swiss Chard1/2 cup cooked4
Zucchini1/2 cup cooked4

Bread, whole wheat1 slice14
Bread, multi grain1 slice17
Oatmeal, cooked1 cup25
Pancake, buckwheat mix1/3 cup (3 cakes)33
Pancake, whole grain mix1/3 cup (3 cakes)28
Pasta, whole wheat1 cup cooked37
Popcorn, popped3-1/2 cups19
Rice, basmati brown1/4 cup dry31
Rice, brown1/4 cup dry33
Rice, brown1/2 cup cooked22
Rice, wild1/2 cup cooked18
Rye bread1 slice15

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Why I trust in the Low Carb High Fat Atkins friendly theory

For me it is very simple- I am a human being, and human beings have been around a lot longer than pasta, bread and pizza. The ideology behind any true Low Carb High Fat individual is that before the carbohydrate boom of the 1900s, there were barely any obesity amongst us-so why aren't we looking back to see how we ate before more?

At any time in your life, society and world community, one has to raise questions regarding failures and dangers. Why are we so fat and developing Diabetes 2 in a shockingly increasing method? Why is the Healthy Food Board of most countries recommending insulin raising carbohydrates in your diets, when we are not getting any skinnier i.e. nor any healthier?

Since the 70s, after a study "proved" a link between fat and heart attacks, high cholesterol and obesity- the world has shied away from it as best it could and seems to have been on a lifelong and failing diet ever since. Most Atkins and low Carb high fat believers won't deny the result in the study; however, they are not so sure if it was the fat fault when it most likely was the carbohydrates being consumed together with the fat that turned the natural food source into "bad sheep".

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Today´s Shopping list for Low Carb High Fat and Atkins friendly work food!

Remember that while eating low carb high fat food, it is important to work out. It doesn´t have to cardio with tons of running, but working your muscles will absolutely help you out a lot and I´ll write a whole article later on as to why.

Anyways, after I hit the gym this morning, I decided to take actions with my work eating habbits. I try to stay away from the carbs, but as I rearly plan a head it often ends up with a baguette and philadephia. NOT the best mix as an Atkins friendly low carb high fat friendly meal should NEVER be mixing high fat with HIGH carb! If there is one meal you can´t resist those redundant carbohydrates, you should leave the fat alone and stick to the carb for that one. So I ran past the grocery store, and this is what will be awaiting me to eat next week!

1. Bag of Salad- yes it has some carbs, but a handful a day is perfect and makes an easy base for a quickly prepared low carb high fat meal!

2. Cut up Feta cheese- I LOVE cheese, all sorts of it so thankfully this "diet" is the only one you don´t have to shy away from it.

4. Blue cheese- once again adding my favorite food type and oh so easy to put into salads or even eat alone

5. Pack of Tomatoes- tomatoes are just really great, tastefull and hydrating

6. Canned Ham- my absolute favorite while on a Low Carb High Fat Diet. Salty, tastes good cold or warm, and is easially eaten straight from the can if you are really hungry or put into salads again. If you´re not alreadyy a canned ham fan it might sound a little strange, but after you found you favorite brand you´ll quickly understand the joy I have for it. 0 Carbohydrates and yummy!

7. Heinz Mayonase based garlic dressing- this dressing only had 7grams Carbohydrates per 100grams, so I added it to make my work salads even more tempting

8. Canned tuna- I got the ones in just water, but of course the ones in Oil is even better when eating low carb high fat. again; easy in salad, out of the canned or mixed with mayo is divine!

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