Friday 29 April 2011

Today´s Shopping list for Low Carb High Fat and Atkins friendly work food!

Remember that while eating low carb high fat food, it is important to work out. It doesn´t have to cardio with tons of running, but working your muscles will absolutely help you out a lot and I´ll write a whole article later on as to why.

Anyways, after I hit the gym this morning, I decided to take actions with my work eating habbits. I try to stay away from the carbs, but as I rearly plan a head it often ends up with a baguette and philadephia. NOT the best mix as an Atkins friendly low carb high fat friendly meal should NEVER be mixing high fat with HIGH carb! If there is one meal you can´t resist those redundant carbohydrates, you should leave the fat alone and stick to the carb for that one. So I ran past the grocery store, and this is what will be awaiting me to eat next week!

1. Bag of Salad- yes it has some carbs, but a handful a day is perfect and makes an easy base for a quickly prepared low carb high fat meal!

2. Cut up Feta cheese- I LOVE cheese, all sorts of it so thankfully this "diet" is the only one you don´t have to shy away from it.

4. Blue cheese- once again adding my favorite food type and oh so easy to put into salads or even eat alone

5. Pack of Tomatoes- tomatoes are just really great, tastefull and hydrating

6. Canned Ham- my absolute favorite while on a Low Carb High Fat Diet. Salty, tastes good cold or warm, and is easially eaten straight from the can if you are really hungry or put into salads again. If you´re not alreadyy a canned ham fan it might sound a little strange, but after you found you favorite brand you´ll quickly understand the joy I have for it. 0 Carbohydrates and yummy!

7. Heinz Mayonase based garlic dressing- this dressing only had 7grams Carbohydrates per 100grams, so I added it to make my work salads even more tempting

8. Canned tuna- I got the ones in just water, but of course the ones in Oil is even better when eating low carb high fat. again; easy in salad, out of the canned or mixed with mayo is divine!

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